My manager is sooo... great. She purposely went to Mid Valley's Galaxy Ticketing counter to secure the seats for me. I was telling her the other day that I have never seen any real big concert my entire life. And she went "HUH? WHAT?!" So i told her to invite me if she ever come across any good concert since i need people to accompany me there.

Anyway, my seats cost RM 318 (inclusive RM3 processing fees) and it came along with RM120 cash voucher for future Galaxy organized concerts in 2009. Done some calculation, our seats should be 40 rows from the stage (10 rows of VVIP and VIP, 20 rows of RM398 tickets, and 10 rows infront of me for my ticket range).
According to my manager, I am actually not entitled for the below limited edition ticket pocket but she friend friend with the ticketing girl to get them. LOL! The girl had to hide it under an envelope to pass it to her and told her to be quiet about it. Told my manager that I am gonna frame it up. keke!